A. University Mandate
Section 3 of the UP Charter of 2008 (Republic Act 9500) states that:
As the national university, a public and secular institution of higher learning, and a community of scholars dedicated to the search for truth and knowledge as well as the development of future leaders, the University of the Philippines shall perform its unique and distinctive leadership in higher education and development.
The University shall:
Lead in setting academic standards and initiating innovations in teaching, research, and faculty development in philosophy, the arts and humanities, the social sciences, engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, and technology; and maintain centers of excellence in these disciplines and professions.
Serve as a graduate university by providing advanced studies and specialization for scholars, scientists, writers, artists, and professionals especially those who serve on the faculty of state and private colleges and universities.
Serve as a research university in various fields of expertise and specialization by conducting basic and applied research, promoting research and development, and contributing to the dissemination and application of knowledge.
Lead as a public service university by providing various forms of community, public and volunteer service, as well as scholarly and technical assistance to the government, the private sector, and civil society while maintaining its standards of excellence.
Protect and promote the professional and economic rights and welfare of its academic and non-academic personnel.
Provide opportunities for training and learning in leadership, responsible citizenship, and the development of democratic values, institutions, and practice through academic and non-academic programs, including sports and enhancement of nationalism and national identity.
Serve as a regional and global university in cooperation with international and scientific unions, networks of universities, scholarly and professional associations in the Asia Pacific Region and around the world.
Provide democratic governance based on collegiality, representation, accountability, transparency, and active participation of its constituents; and promote the holding of fora for students, faculty, research, extension and professional staff (REPS), administrative staff, and alumni to discuss non-academic issues affecting the University.
For a full text of the UP Charter, please click here.
A great university, taking a leadership role in the development of a globally competitive Philippines. Driven by:
Academic excellence and operational excellence;
Strong research and creative capability, supported by an expanded graduate program and geared to addressing the country’s problems;
Excellent faculty and staff working in an environment conducive to outstanding performance and high productivity;
The best and brightest students from across the country prepared for successful careers and responsive citizenship;
Strong support from the alumni and other stakeholders;
High visibility and effective public service;
Modernized physical facilities and technological infrastructure for teaching, research and administration; and
Financial sustainability achieved by resource generation and administrative efficiency, while preserving its public character.
For more information on the the Vision and Mission of the University, please click here.
Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections
1. 2023
2. 2022
3. 2021
4. 2020
5. 2019
6. 2018
UP Sytemwide SALN Review and Compliance Committee
1. 2023
2. 2022
3. 2021
4. 2020
5. 2019
6. 2018
A. UP Certificates of Compliance
1. 2024
2. 2023
3. 2022
4. 2021
5. 2020
6. 2019
B. UP Manila Certificates of Compliance
1. 2024
2. 2023
3. 2022
4. 2021
5. 2020
6. 2019
C. UP Manila Citizen Charter Handbook
1. 2024 Version
D. UP System and Constituent Universities Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART)
1. Administrative Orders on the Constitution of ARTA Committees