University of Philippines Manila

UP Manila Healthy University Office conducts Module 4 of the Introductory Training Program on Occupational Health and Safety

Text by: Alwin Adrian Angulo

The UP Manila Healthy University Office (HUO) hosted the final module of the Introductory Training Program on Occupational Health and Safety (ITPOHS) titled “Module 4: Celebrating Quick Wins” on 24 April 2024 at the UP Manila Social Hall, Philippine General Hospital.

Led by HUO Director Dr. Paul Michael Hernandez, the session marked the culmination of the ITPOHS – a four-module, eight-month training program which aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of members of the Unit Health and Safety Committees (Unit HSCs) and Health and Safety Technical Working Groups (TWGs).

In this session, representatives from the Unit HSCs of the College of Allied Medical Professions, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Dentistry, National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions, School of Health Sciences – Tarlac, and University Library, along with the TWGs for Workplace Safety and Mental Health and Well-Being, shared their outputs from the training modules, highlighting their accomplishments, realizations, and challenges during the development and initial implementation of their respective OHS programs. The programs implemented by the participating Unit HSCs and TWGs target various aspects related to health and safety, including hazard recognition and reporting, vision conservation, ergonomics, fire protection, reduction of cat-related incidents, promotion of mental health and physical activity, and capacity-building of personnel on OHS. The HUO will continue working with the Unit HSCs and TWGs in the implementation of such programs.

Established in 2023, the HUO is the lead office of UP Manila responsible for promoting health and safety in the University through education, research, and public service activities.

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