University of Philippines Manila

Learning Anatomy Made Easy: Dr. Rafael C. Bundoc’s Groundbreaking Inventions

Dr. Rafael C. Bundoc, Chairperson of the Department of Anatomy at the College of Medicine knows the challenges inherent in teaching anatomy and the improvements that needed to be made to enhance comprehension and retention among future healthcare practitioners.

The issue goes beyond the need to effectively preserve cadavers or the “silent mentors.” It also requires improvement on traditional tools to enhance learning experience.

Here are two new innovations by Dr. Bundoc and his team of experts that improve educational approach on anatomy.


Dissection In-Situ Submersible Ergonomic Cadaver Table (DISSECT) is an immersion table that preserves cadavers efficiently. DISSECT is under the Learning Innovations for Knowledge in Health Applications (LIKHA) program.

DISSECT solves the problem of rapid decay among cadavers. DISSECT is different from the usual dissecting table available in the market because it has an innovative sliding cover, motorized lifting mechanism, and multifunctional attachments, including instrument trays, atlas trays, gadget holders, and a monitor tray. The table, which is proudly Philippine-made, not only ensures the preservation of cadavers, but also facilitates a more organized and technologically advanced learning environment for anatomy students.

MOViES: Mobile Operational Video Educational System

“It’s really hard to teach anatomy. You have the cadaver here and all the students peering over your shoulder, over a small part of the body that you dissect. It’s even harder when you have two hundred students and you only have one professor. So, you need a system where you can instruct the students more efficiently, that’s why we invented this unit we called MOViES,” emphasized Dr. Bundoc.

MOViES, which is also under LIKHA, offers a compact, portable video camera system designed for optimal overhead video capture.

The system utilizes pan, field zoom cameras, delivering high-definition videos for clear demonstrations during anatomy lectures. With wireless HDMI technology, MOViES can connect to multiple TVs, allowing instructors to provide an expanded learning experience. The remote-controlled system, with ten adjustable positions, ensures flexibility and precision during lectures and demonstrations.

Dr. Bundoc envisions MOViES as an integral part of every anatomical laboratory, enhancing the learning experience for medical students across the Philippines.

The pioneering efforts led by Dr. Bundoc and his team exemplify the commitment to advancing anatomical education. Through initiatives like DISSECT and MOViES, they not only address the challenges of teaching anatomy but also pave the way for a more immersive and technologically advanced learning environment.

Transforming Spine Surgery: The Bundoc ESR™ Innovation

In addition to these inventions, Dr. Bundoc developed an innovative response to the limitations and ergonomic challenges of the traditional spine surgery instruments leading to musculoskeletal problems for surgeons. The Ergonomic Spine Rongeur (Bundoc ESR™) focuses on optimizing the angle and handling of the instrument, minimizing unnecessary movements, and reducing strain on the surgeon’s hands, wrists, and shoulders. Aiming for a more user-friendly experience, the Bundoc ESR™ promises to revolutionize the field of spine surgery. At present, he is actively working on further refining the invention, exploring collaboration opportunities for an all-encompassing instrument that seamlessly transitions from a pistol grip to an ergonomic design.

Text by: Charmaine A. Lingdas
Photos by: Dr. Rafael C. Bundoc and January R. Kanindot

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